Tuesday 5 March 2013

Car trends

The cars that girls must have to be fashionable and fit it with the current trends at the moment are mini coopers and fiat 500 in all colours, everyone that is just pasting their driving tests are getting either one of these cars, as these are the most popular at the moment, they have both been in fashion for a while but have become a lot more fashionable over the past year, and I believe that they will stay in fashion for a lot longer, as they are actually quite good cars however are quite expensive to buy. But to have a fashionable car that is the price you have to pay. There isn't really any certain colours that are most popular with these cars, as car colours are a lot different to the colours that are predicted for fashion, I think this year they'll be certain colours which become more popular to have, because it seems that as the years go on, the criteria to be fashionable is getting smaller. Cream cars are the most original colour to buy the cars in, but having any other colour is still good.

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