Thursday 28 March 2013


I looked on pinterest and on trend hunter to look at different technology, the most popular technology that kept appearing was APPLE' brand, as it is very well known and the brand is constantly releasing new products, which are bigger and better than their old ones. More and more people are using smartphones for everyday life, the percentage of the sales of smartphones are increasing a lot especially in the last few years. People don't need to move from their seat, they just need their phone to look at emails, contact family and friends, look on social networking websites, take photos or videos, send photos or videos to people, or even shopping-as most shops are creating apps for the smartphones to make it easier for phone users to shop on their phone.

It is the fashion now to carry around a smartphone, the most popular brands are Blackberry and IPhones, however slowly the new samsung phones are becoming popular as they are becoming very similar to apple. Facts about the phones actually state that the new samsung phone is better than the most recent apple iPhone, however sales for apple have still not decreased because of the brand image. Apple have become a very popular and well known brand, so if you carry around an apple iPhone you are seen to be up-to-date with the current technology trends.

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