Thursday 28 February 2013


I really enjoyed looking at the different type of jewellery was available, while looking on different trend websites at jewellery and on pinterest, I noticed two main trends which really stood out to me, they were pastel colours, using light pinks and light blue type colours, which gave a relaxing feel to the jewellery. The other trend I noticed was with watches, whenever I saw a picture it had matching bangles/bracelets next to it, the pictures included a lot of celebrities which wore there watches like this. Before researching jewellery online, I'd never seen the watch with matching coloured bangle look before, I did really like it,  thought it looked really nice, as I had never thought of wearing any other jewellery with my watch before, I think this could become a good look, and become very fashionable.

Here are two of the images that I found on pinterest, which included the watch and bracelet look, these were two of my favourite images that I found.

 These are two of my favourite images from pinterest which I found of the pastel colour jewellery trend, I found so much jewellery which included these light kind of colours, these are very summery colours, so I can see this trend becoming very popular in the spring/summer of 2013.

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