Thursday 14 March 2013

street styling-BrickLane

Brick lane was the last destination we went to, it was about half 4 by the time we got here, so it was pretty empty as everyone would be at work.The only people that was really about were men trying to persuade us to eat in his restaurant. In Brick-lane there were many Indian/Curry restaurants, it was full of them and the street really smelt of this food. While at Brick Lane I got the impression that is was quite a run down area, as the street looked dirty and I think if I went there at night time I would feel quite scared. Down the little side roads there were little vintage shops, which were really good shops, we went into one of them and it was a huge shop with lots of different vintage clothing for reasonable prices. Also their was a lot of Graffiti on all the walls down there, but it wasn't just names(tags) it was actual Illustrations of all different type of things which were interesting. Below are the pictures I took of Brick Lane.

Example of all the restaurants they had there, and what the streets were like.

 I stopped these two girls, as in my point of view they looked like typical people you would find in Brick-Lane, as they was dressed with random items of clothing put together, and had a vintage kind of look going on. The girls did mention that they both had got their jackets from a vintage shop which was just down the road called 'Blitz'

 We all got handed this leaflet for a vintage shop, which is the one we went to, it was full of vintage clothing, and some of the girls from my class brought items from this shop.

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