Saturday 30 March 2013

River Island Collection

After looking at trends in general, by doing primary and secondary research I have found out that most trends are started by magazines or celebrities, if a item of clothing is seen on the catwalk worn by a celebrity then it is more likely to become popular with the public.

For example Rihanna has recently released a new clothing collection in River Island, and just because it is by Rihanna a lot more people have been interested in the collection. As Rihanna is a well known pop star her clothing doesn't even have to be that great for them to become popular.
When the collection was first released I went up to River Island in lakeside, and asked a few people looking at the collection questions about the new range, they were all very polite and willing to answer my questions as I said it was for my college work.
The questions I asked were:
1. Do you always shop in river island?
2. Have you only come in to river island for the new collection?
3. Where did you hear about the new collection?
4. What has made you come at look at the collection?
5. Would you buy a piece of clothing from this collection?

I only asked 5 questions to a few people that I noticed looking at the collection, because I wanted to find out if because was only looking at the collection because it was Rihanna or whether they would look at the collection anyway regardless who it was by.

I took my notepad and jotted down the questions and tallied the answers I got, I only asked 10 girls questions as it wasn't very busy when I went, however all the girls that I asked questions were very helpful and although I didn't ask their ages, I could tel they were all probably aged between 18-22 so they were all very young, after I looked back over the answers when I was home. I found that although all the people I asked do shop in River Island already, but over half of them had only looked in their tonight because they wanted to look at the new Rihanna collection, and they had heard about the collection in magazines and online. 6 out the 10 girls I asked said they were more interested in the collection and to look at the clothing because it was just by Rihanna and they expected it to be good as they had heard a lot about it.

The information I got from my short questionnaire I had asked was quite useful to me as I did find out and I now had evidence that people are more likely to buy and look at clothes if they are designed or worn by a celebrity.

Below are a couple of images of the collection, the clothing is very unique and different, but it is very similar to what Rihanna would wear, so the collection gives fans a chance to wear similar clothing to their idol, so I think the collection will be very popular and give River Island good publicity.

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