Thursday 14 March 2013

Street Styling-Portabello Road

This was the first place we went to, and I didn't really like it, I think this was partly to do with the rain and the cold weather, so there wasn't many people out shopping. The surroundings were quite interesting though as on top of all the shops and all the houses down the street were all colourful, it reminded me of the children's program 'Balamory' the houses made the street look really pretty even in the dull weather. All the shops were like little shops, and a few of them looked like market type shops, but when we actually went and looked, they actually sold levi jeans and shorts which were quite expensive for just a stall. I found all the shops were quite pricey down this street, and the bad weather meant that not a lot of people were out shopping. Most people just had jeans with a long coat on, most of the coats I saw were quite neutral colours including dark beiges and nude colours. I did spot one girl who's outfit caught my attention as it stood out from what everyone else was wearing. 

This girl moved to London when she was 11 and was currently 19 studying fashion at a University in London. She liked to shop in Urban Outfitters and vintage shops that she found in Portobello market, she wouldn't spend to much on an outfit, about £50 maybe less, as she tries to look for bargains.

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