Thursday 14 March 2013

Preparing for street style research

I have made my questionnaire to take to London with me on Thursday, below is my the questions I have came up with.


1. How old are you?
2. Which area are you from?
3. Which shops are your statement pieces of clothing from?
4. How much would you usually spend on an outfit?
5. How long does it take you to pick and outfit and get ready?
6. Where did you get your inspiration for your outfit from?
7. Do you go for the style or comfort look?
8. Which job sector do you work in?
9. How often do you but a new item of clothing?

I am happy and feel confident that I'll get the information I want out of these questions, I am really excited about going to different parts of London to see the different styles that different areas wear.

I am expecting Chelsea to be a lot different to places like Brick lane as I think Chelsea will have more upper class people and I think you'll be able to tell this by looking at what they are wearing.

I am going to take my camera, questionnaires and notepad with me, so I can gain all the relevant information I need.

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