Friday 26 April 2013

Photo shoot plan

I have done a test shoot in the neon clothing, in my house to see what the model and the clothing looked like, I was very happy with the look and the clothing. I wasn't happy with the lighting though and after doing some photographer research and finding Dan Kennedy's work I decided I wanted to take the pictures outside with a plan background, but not in a studio I wanted the background to be natural like a fence or a brick wall but I didn't want it to be to detailed as I didn't want the background to take the focus of the clothing, so I wanted the background to be quite neutral.
I decided it would be a good idea to take the pictures in my garden; some along my shed and some along the wall along the side of the house.

I will use the same model as I did in the test shoot and all the same clothing which I have ordered of a website and some of the clothing is from mine and my models wardrobes, but I have ordered some of it particularly for this shoot.

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