Thursday 18 April 2013

Neon trend board

I decided to create a trend board for my final piece, I wanted a colour palette on the board, to give viewers an idea of what the new trend is going to be focused on. And what colours are going to be used.

This is the trend board I came up with, I got the pictures from websites including google images/WGSN, and I positioned them where I thought they would look best.

I want the Neon Theme to be based on neon coloured clothing but I would like the neon clothing to be sporty' but also suitable for an evening out, but not a classy outfit I want it to be sporty at the same time, as when I think of neon colours I do think of sport look. I want the neon clothing to be suited for a 'disco' party or a neon party, where neon clothing would be acceptable however heels etc will not be necessary.

I did like my mood board however when I printed it and looked over it, I thought I needed to change the picture of the model, because the model is dresses with heels and a bag, however with my shoot I would like to go with the more 'sportier' look, and I wanted to make the 'disco party' image smaller because at the moment I feel like that is the main picture, and I don't want the main image to be text, I want it to be an image. I also am thinking
                                                            about changing a couple of the small images down the side as I              
                                                            think them images could be better.

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