Thursday 2 May 2013


Overall I am very happy with my two trend boards, I liked the fact that there wasn't many pictures on my boards so it wasn't packed with pictures or over crowded so the pictures that were on there did stand out and were very appealing. I think my trend boards have came out just how I expected and I believe that my trend boards give a clear message of what the trend actually is by the different use of pictures I have used.

I was happy with my final styling boards too, however when it came to printing them, they didn't come out very clear and it was quite disappointing that they didn't come out perfect as I had tried really hard to make my boards perfect, but when I printed them, neither of them looked very good, as all the pictures were a little blurry/fuzzy.

I was pleased with my two trends, I am glad that I picked the two trends that I did and overall I thought my shoots and my edited pictures came out really good, I think if I did get the opportunity to do this task again, I would attempt to do my shoot in the studio as I think the pictures probably would of came out better if they was in a studio rather than a garden and the lighting would have been a lot better in the studio.

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